Sāfen Clinical Evidence Summary: The Problem

Medication Errors: Prevalence and Impact

91 study review found that 73% overall probability of making at least 1 error in IV therapy. Common medication groups associated with medical administration errors include nutrition and blood, gastrointestinal system, cardiovascular system, central nervous system, and antimicrobials.

Keers RN, Williams SD, Cooke J, Ashcroft DM. Prevalence and Nature of Medication Administration Errors in Health Care Settings: A Systematic Review of Direct Observational Evidence. Annals of Pharmacotherapy 2013;47(2):237-256.

An overall error rate of 14% was identified during the administering, documenting, and prescribing of IV infusion medication in an adult ICU. The mean number of errors per infusion order was 3.0. Up to 21 separate errors might occur in association with a single dose of an IV medication, and incorrect IV labels made up 31.5% of all errors.

Summa-Sorgini, Claudia, et al. “Errors associated with IV infusions in critical care.” The Canadian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy. 65.1 (2012): 19.

For every added intravenous drug administered, the odds ratio for error increased by 1.03 in critical care settings.

Kane-Gill, Sandra L., et al. “Analysis of risk factors for adverse drug events in critically ill patients.” Critical Care Medicine 40.3 (2012): 823.

The majority (24%) of the errors were related to medication labeling. 50% of the MEs led to an ADE and 50% were considered significant.

Karen C. Nanji, Amit Patel, Sofia Shaikh, Diane L. Seger, David W. Bates; Evaluation of Perioperative Medication Errors and Adverse Drug Events. Anesthesiology 2016; 124:25–34.

Although smart pumps offer numerous safety advantages, they are also prone to implementation and human factors problems, such as difficult user interfaces and complex programming requirements that create opportunities for serious errors.

MacDowell, P., Cabri, A., & Mackey, M. (2018). Medication administration errors. AHRQ Publication No. 18-0047-EF. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. 2021. https://psnet.ahrq.gov/primer/medication-administration- errors

The Costs of Medication Errors — Financial

Preventable medication errors impact more than 7 million patients and cost almost $21 billion annually across all care settings. It is estimated that inpatient preventable ADEs associated with injectable medications increase the annual US payer costs by $2.7 billion to $5.1 billion.

Lahue, Betsy J., et al. “National burden of preventable adverse drug events associated with inpatient injectable medications: healthcare and medical professional liability costs.” American Health & Drug Benefits 5.7 (2012): 1.

Sāfen Clinical Evidence Summary: The Problem

The Costs of Medication Errors — Emotional

Medication errors undermine staff confidence and detract from sense of safety in workplace.
“Physicians and other providers may feel a variety of adverse emotions after medical error, including guilt, shame, anxiety, fear, and depression.”

Robertson, Jennifer J., and Brit Long. “Suffering in silence: medical error and its impact on health care providers.” The Journal of emergency medicine 54.4 (2018): 402-409.

Sāfen Clinical Evidence Summary: The Solution

Sāfen Clinical Evidence Summary

This practice addresses a recognized risk point in the administration of medications in perioperative and other procedural settings. Labels for medications and medication containers are also addressed at Standard MM.05.01.09.

“National Patient Safety Goals® Effective January 2023 for the Hospital Program” The Joint Commission 2023.

A summary of 57 studies found key “systemic defense” for IV errors is standardization of the use processes for high-alert medications.
Kuitunen, Sini, et al. “Systemic causes of in-hospital intravenous medication errors: a systematic review.” Journal of Patient Safety 17.8 (2021): e1660.

This will further reduce the burden on clinicians to reconcile discrete infusion components (e.g., bag, pump, tubing) and use add-on components, like labels/ organizers, since components may be better associated to begin with (e.g., perceptual markers, physical proximity).

Pinkney, S., Fan, M., Chan, K., Koczmara, C., Colvin, C., Sasangohar, F., Masino, C., Easty, A., & Trbovich, P. (2014). Multiple Intravenous Infusions Phase 2b: Laboratory Study. Ont Health Technol Assess Ser, 14(5), 1-163. https://www.ncbi. nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26316919